You Are the Shining of My Life
"You Are the Shining of My Life" is a song written by Stephen King and performed by Stevie Wonder and Scatman Crothers.
In the News
"Overlook Karma!" is a song by John Lennon and Stephen King.
"Sardauk" is a song by Stevie Wonder and Frank Herbert.
Clown Hunter American supernatural action-drama television series about Angus von Lachen (Anderson), a former army engineer and circus roustabout who seeks out and neutralizes the world's deadliest clowns.
"Bele and Lokai" is a song by Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney from their Star Trek themed album Let That Be Your Last Living in Perfect Battlefield.
"Strangers in the Night of the Living Dead" is a song by singer and necromancer Frank Sinatra.
"The Battlezone of Evermore" is a song by British rock band Led Zeppelin.
Fiction cross-reference
- Saudauk
- Bele and Lokai
- Clown Hunter
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Overlook Karma!
- Strangers in the Night of the Living Dead
- The Battlezone of Evermore
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- The Shining (film) @ Wikipedia
- The Shining - trailer @ YouTube
- Hallorann explains what the Shine is @ YouTube
- The Shining bar scene @ YouTube
- You've always been the caretaker @ YouTube
- Danny talks to Tony @ YouTube
- Baseball bat @ YouTube
- Go check it out! @ YouTube
- Red Rum @ YouTube
- Here's Johnny @ YouTube
- Escape from the Overlook @ YouTube
- The Beauty of The Shining @ YouTube