War Diaries (May 28) (nonfiction)
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Edward Hill: May 28, 1864
Broke bivouac at 4 oclock A.M. and marched for Dabneys Ford on the Pamunky River. Passing Army 1st Div on the way, crossed the River at 11 A.M. and took up a strong position in rear of the Rebels on the River. The Cavalry holding the enemy in check 4 miles in front, we have secured The Position and are within 15 miles of Richmond. A letter from home today the first since the campaign opened-
—Captain Edward Hill, 16th Michigan Infantry, Union Army
Michael Fallon: May 28, 1918

Leaving the motor at the Cross Roads, beyond wh. it was forbidden to take it, we walked across Vimy Ridge. Even now it is covered with shell holes and craters so numerous as to make passage almost impossible. How the men advanced over it in the round of afire is beyond understanding. But they did so in the face of hostile fire and to their imperishable glory.
—Bishop Michael Fallon (diary)
Hugh Jones: May 28, 1948
Visited sick in the Austrian Hospice, which is the main Arab Hospital in the Old City in the morning. Called at Muristan, (German Protestant Church) on the way back to Christ Church, and climbed the tower and viewed the wreckage and scene of devastation in the Jewish Quarter.
The Jews in the Old City, including between 1,000-2,000 civilians and about 600 armed men (Haganah and I.Z.L.) finally surrendered in the afternoon. We saw two batches of 115 each of the civilian population, including many old Orthodox Jews, filing into the Kishleh barracks adjoining the Citadel.
A very heavy and concentrated attack was made by the Jews on the Old City from the Damascus and Zion Gates. The attack began about 9 p.m. and lasted for about two hours. A number of Jewish dead were reported lying outside the Jaffa Gate and in various other parts of no-man’s-land for periods of anything up to a week.
As fighting becomes more bitter and drawn out, an oppressive atmosphere of evil and hate seems to be creeping over Jerusalem. Are we hastening towards the doom of this once beautiful city?
With the surrender of the Jews in the Old City it has been possible to go into the playground at the back of the Compound, where a number of shells, mortars and bullets were picked up.
Had a game of tennis with Edward Hadawi in the evening.
—Reverend Hugh Jones, Jerusalem (diary)
- https://www.timesofisrael.com/an-oppressive-atmosphere-of-evil-and-hate-seems-to-be-creeping-over-jerusalem/
- https://www.cmj-israel.org/sites/default/files/uploads/May1948DiaryChristChurchJerusalem.pdf
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