Two Creatures 7
From Gnomon Chronicles
Two Creatures 7 is a digitally editeddrawing by Karl Jones.
Media: Pencil, digital image editing.
Date: 2016.
In the News
Routine annual steganographic checkup of of Two Creatures 6 unexpectedly reveals a stolen NFT of Two Creatures 7.
2016: Spiral 2 voted Picture of the day by the citizens of New Minneapolis, Canada.
Signed first editions of Two Creatures purchased by "a celebrity Gnomon algorithm theorist living somewhere in the New Minneapolis area" during charity auction to benefit victims of crimes against mathematical constants.
Fiction cross-reference
- Crimes against mathematical constants
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Spiral 2
- Two Creatures
- Two Creatures 6
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Two Creatures 7 @