Tonks–Girardeau gas (nonfiction)

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In physics, a Tonks–Girardeau gas is a Bose gas in which the repulsive interactions between bosonic particles confined to one dimension dominate the physics of the system. It is named after physicists Marvin D. Girardeau and Lewi Tonks. Strictly speaking this is not a Bose–Einstein condensate as it does not demonstrate any of the characteristics, such as off diagonal long range order or a unitary two body correlation function, even in a thermodynamic limit and as such cannot be described by a macroscopically occupied orbital (order parameter) in the Gross–Pitaevskii equation.

See also

  • Bose gas (nonfiction) - a quantum-mechanical phase of matter, analogous to a classical ideal gas. It is composed of bosons, which have an integer value of spin, and obey Bose–Einstein statistics. The statistical mechanics of bosons were developed by Satyendra Nath Bose for a photon gas, and extended to massive particles by Albert Einstein who realized that an ideal gas of bosons would form a condensate at a low enough temperature, unlike a classical ideal gas. This condensate is known as a Bose–Einstein condensate.
  • Gas (nonfiction)
  • Marvin D. Girardeau (nonfiction)
  • Gross–Pitaevskii equation (nonfiction) - describes the ground state of a quantum system of identical bosons using the Hartree–Fock approximation and the pseudopotential interaction model.
  • Lewi Tonks (nonfiction)