Template:Selected anniversaries/March 24

From Gnomon Chronicles

<gallery> File:Joseph Priestley.jpg|link=Joseph Priestley (nonfiction)|1733: Chemist, philosopher, educator, and clergyman Joseph Priestley born. He will be historically been credited with the discovery of oxygen, having isolated it in its gaseous state, but his determination to defend phlogiston theory and to reject what would become the chemical revolution will leave him isolated within the scientific community.

File:Alexander Stepanovich Popov.jpg|link=Alexander Stepanovich Popov (nonfiction)|1896: Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov uses radio waves to transmit a message between different campus buildings in St Petersburg.

File:Paul Lorenzen.jpg|link=Paul Lorenzen (nonfiction)|1915: Mathematician and philosopher Paul Lorenzen born. Lorenzen will found the Erlangen School (with Wilhelm Kamlah), and invent game semantics (with Kuno Lorenz).

File:Myoglobin John Kendrew.jpg|link=John Kendrew (nonfiction)|1917: Biochemist and crystallographer John Kendrew born. Kendrew will share the 1962 Nobel Prize for chemistry with Max Perutz for determining the atomic structures of proteins using X-ray crystallography.

File:Ranger spacecraft.jpg|link=Ranger 9 (nonfiction)|1965: NASA spacecraft Ranger 9, equipped to convert its signals into a form suitable for showing on domestic television, brings images of the Moon into ordinary homes before crash landing.
