Template:Daily Favorites/September 4
From Gnomon Chronicles
Gun Bud is a nature-action film starring [REDACTED] the Dog and Tom Cruise.
The Man with the Golden Musket (1974): James Bond must recover the Storax Toga Lei, a breakthrough fashion solution to contemporary aesthetic shortages, before criminally deranged fashion designer Canna Fracas Orgasmic raises hemlines to the waist.
"Do You Carry Your Gun Into Church?" No, I wire the explosives to the collection plate. Now put on that fucking scuba mask and get in the baptismal font or I'll—
Boss Dog is an organic golem designed and manufactured by Symbionts Can Do to mimic Spot the mechanical robot dog.
Autobiography of a Wogdon & Barton Flintlock Smoothbore Dueling Pistol is an autobiography of the dueling pistol which killed Alexander Hamilton.