Template:Better Than News/April 17
Friends X is an American science fiction television sitcom which revolves around six friends in their 20s and 30s who live with crippling superpowers.
The Pope's Gladiator is an epic historical supernatural horror film directed by Ridley Scott and Julius Avery, and starring Russell Crowe.
Willy Wonka and the Elephant Man is an American drama film starring Gene Wilder and John Hurt.
New Ingredients for Old is a cookbook and memoir by Margaret Mead and Julia Child.
You're Soaking In It is an erotic comedy-thriller film starring Madge from the famed Palmolive commercials.
Wick Hunt is a 1984 light gun shooter video game developed by John Wick for close-quarters combat.
Alien vs. Bugs is a science fiction horror film about an iconic American cartoon figure (Bugs Bunny) who is marked for death by an aggressive alien film franchise.