Supreme is a film pitch for Quentin Tarantino.
Plot: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (Samuel L. Jackson) descends into madness after discovering that he is a house negro, despite having a white wife.
In the News
Dial W for Woke is a social justice thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock about racism in America.
J. Edgar Unchained is an American revisionist Western biographical drama film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jamie Foxx.
The Blair Trump Project is an American political horror film starring Donald Trump.
Ginni Nights is an American period political drama film about a Republican activist, chronicling her rise in the Golden Age of Conspiracy Theories and subsequent descent into madness.
One Flew Over the MAGA's Nest is a 2022 American political drama film about a man confined to a mental hospital (Jack Nicholson) who is seduced into a dangerous relationship by a mentally unstable attorney (Sidney Powell).
Clarence and Ginni - #InTheirOwnWords
Fiction cross-reference
- Dial W for Woke
- Ginni Nights
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- J. Edgar Unchained
- One Flew Over the MAGA's Nest
- The Blair Trump Project
- The buying of Supreme Court Justices
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Clarence Thomas @ Wikipedia
- Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal. @ ProPublica
- 'Not close to acceptable': Justice reporter urges DOJ to investigate Clarence Thomas' transactions @ Raw Store
- Minnesota AG compares Clarence Thomas to house slave character from ‘Django Unchained’ @ YouTube
- Django Unchained @ Wikipedia
- Django Unchained - trailer @ YouTube
- Samuel L. Jackson @ YouTube
- Barn scene @ YouTube
Social media
- Post @ Twitter (8 October 2024)
- Post @ Twitter (29 July 2024)
- Post @ Twitter (6 June 2023)
- Post @ Twitter ()