Sleigh Free or Die Hard
Sleigh Free or Die Hard is a 2007 American action thriller Christmas filmab out NYPD Detective John McClane (Bruce Willis), who must to stop a cyber-terrorist (Timothy Olyphant) from starting a "fire sale" cyber attack which would disable key elements of Santa's present delivery system.
In the News
Santa Claus Conquers the Sphere is a psychological comedy-thriller Christmas film directed by Nicholas Webster and Barry Levinson, starring Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone, Samuel L. Jackson, and Pia Zadora.
Die Hard: Jurassic Vengeance is an American science fiction action Christmas film starring Bruce Willis.
Indiana Jones and the Miracle on 34th Street is an American Christmas comedy-drama action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg and Harold Eaton, starring Maureen O'Hara, John Payne, Edmund Gwenn, and Harrison Ford.
2001: A Santa Odyssey is a science fiction Christmas film directed by Stanley Kubrick.
Harry Potter and the Tower of Nakatomi is a 1988 American Christmas fantasy action film about a young wizard (Daniel Radcliffe) who is caught up in the takeover of a Los Angeles skyscraper by the ruthless Professor Snape (Alan Rickman).
When Santa Claus Dies is a holiday mental health television series about coping with the loss of a beloved lie.
Fiction cross-reference
- 2001: A Santa Odyssey
- Die Hard: Jurassic Vengeance
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Harry Potter and the Tower of Nakatomi
- Indiana Jones and the Miracle on 34th Street
- Santa Claus Conquers the Sphere
- When Santa Claus Dies
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Christmas @ Wikipedia
- Live Free or Die Hard @ Wikipedia
- Warlock Command Center @ YouTube
- Helicopter Meets Car @ YouTube
Social media