Organic golem

An organic golem is a golem constructed of organic matter, rather than the traditional inorganic clay and stone.
Have You Seen This Organic Golem?
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Quackspeare write:
"Our beloved Orgie wandered away nearly five hundred years ago. He only has a few centuries left—!"
Contact #APTO Lost and Found department if you have any information on Orgie.
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In the News
July 25, 2016: Signed first edition of Lend a Hand used in high-energy literature experiment unexpectedly generates "at least a dozen, perhaps as many as fifteen" organic golems.
1780: Steganographic analysis of The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters unexpectedly reveals previously unknown templates for organic golems.
Publication of Bioautography of a Chlorophyll Molecule generates new interest in organic golems.
Anna Morandi Manzolini, wax anatomist and crime-fighter, runs a safe house for homeless organic golems.
Golem chow "tastes better than it looks", according to new survey by the Council for Sensory Definition.
Rabbi Lowe inspects traditional golem for organic toxins, condemns twenty percent of golems for Extract of Radium addiction and scrimshaw abuse.
Fiction cross-reference
- Bioautography - autobiography using target-directed isolation of active molecules on chromatogram.
- Do Blade-Runners Shave Their Electric Sheep?
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Tallow sapiens - sentient fatberg
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Golem @ Wikipedia