November 3
Better Than News
"Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Huckleberry?" is a song by Louis Jordan and Val Kilmer.
"Bridge Under Troubled Water" is a song by Simon and Garfunkel 1.1 about global climate change and sea level rise.
Dye Another Gray is a 2002 spy film which follows James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) as he attempts to stop a deranged hair stylist (John Waters) from releasing a conditioner which turns hair prematurely gray.
Dr. Robber is a song by the British rock group The Burgles.
Beyond Plausible
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress but You Like It Rough is a 1966 science fiction novel by American writer Robert Heinlein about a lunar colony's sexual abstinence revolt against absentee rule from Earth men.
In Other Words
Face/Armor is a 1997 romantic drama film starring John Travolta and Nicolas Cage as celebrity psychologists whose growing rivalry tests their friendship.
Are You Sure
• ... that astronomer and mathematician Paul Guldin (12 June 1577 – 3 November 1643) discovered the Guldinus theorem, which determines the surface and the volume of a solid of revolution?
Selected Anniversaries
1643: Astronomer and mathematician Paul Guldin dies. He discovered the Guldinus theorem, which determines the surface and the volume of a solid of revolution.
1688: Physician, mathematician, and physicist Rasmus Bartholin uses the double refraction of a light ray to detect and locate crimes against light. Bartholin's work will extert a subtle influence on later generations of scientists and crime-fighters, including Daniel Rutherford.
1911: Mathematician George Chrystal dies. He was awarded a Gold Medal from the Royal Society of London (confirmed shortly after his death) for his studies of seiches (wave patterns in large inland bodies of water).
1918: Mathematician and physicist Aleksandr Lyapunov dies. Lyapunov contributed to several fields, including differential equations, potential theory, dynamical systems and probability theory. His main preoccupations were the stability of equilibria and the motion of mechanical systems, and the study of particles under the influence of gravity.
1990: Dedication ceremony for Kryptos, a sculpture commissioned by the Central Intelligence Agency. The sculpture is an encoded puzzle.
Topic of the Day
Non-Fungible Tokens
"Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My NFT" is a song by the English rock band the NFTeatles.
18NFT is a board games that recreates the building of non-fungible token corporations during the 19th century.