Math Crimes Unit War Diary (28 April 2021)
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APTO Math Crimes Unit War Diary for 28 April 2021.
Previous: Diary (2 April 2021) - Next: Diary (13 May 2021)
Alleged supervillain 1613911531218

"sjuksköterska" is a photograph by APTO war correspondent Karl Jones of his hand, on which he has written the word "sjuksköterska".
See "Field Report on Mnemonic Device Experiments Towards Sjuksköterska Pronunciation" (28 April 2021).
- [ Post] @ Twitter (28 April 2021)
Context: "getting assigned a nemesis, but we end up becoming best friends like gilgamesh and enkidu"
From: @GnomonChronicl1 To: #KGJ Subj: @__frye Nemesis frye possibly useful as #APTO field agent assign [[scrying engine]] id and begin [[causal #surveillance]] immediately
- [ Post] @ Twitter (28 April 2021)
Fiction cross-reference
- Algorithmic Protocol Treaty Organization - Hashtags: #APTO #MCU #MCUWD
- Alleged supervillain 1613911531218
- Blue Routine - one of the APTO Accords verification color codes
- Crimes against mathematical constants
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Mathematician
- Mathematics
- Transdimensional corporations
Nonfiction cross-reference
- Algorithm (nonfiction)
- Algorithmic paradigm (nonfiction)
- Mathematician (nonfiction)
- Mathematics (nonfiction)
External links
- Algorithmic paradigm @ Wikipedia