Math Crimes Unit War Diary (24 February 2021)
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APTO Math Crimes Unit War Diary for 24 February 2021.
APTO Math Crimes Unit War Diary for 24 February 2021.
Previous: Diary (February 23, 2021) - Next: Diary (February 25, 2021)
- Ongoing: Pursue Alleged supervillain 1613911531218
- New task: recruit informants within Rat Council of 1508
- Ongoing: Decryption secret diaries of Baruch Spinoza
- Ancillum: Cryptographic numen
- Ongoing: Surveil Egon Rhodomunde, 1859 Istanbul
- New task: Research possible use Beatles albums as "ready-to-listen" transdimensional drugs
- RISK RISK zero tolerance Extract of Radium cocktails
Event log:
Application by #deChasseneuz1859 for Jurisprudence responsibility in causal domain 1859 denied
#Ombud unable to access case file #AS1613911531218
Source: Post @ Twitter
The Rat Council of 1508 fills gap in Fourteen Arts; Arithmetica missing, probably corrupted by Alleged supervillain 1613911531218.
The Rat Council of 1508 listening to a 7-Up transdimensional sales algorithm.
Devolver is one of the so-called "lost" Beatles albums.
Fiction cross-reference
- Alleged supervillain 1613911531218
- Anarchimedes
- Crimes against mathematical constants
- Devolver
- Forbidden Ratio
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Mathematician
- Mathematics
Nonfiction cross-reference
- Algorithm (nonfiction)
- Algorithmic paradigm (nonfiction)
- Mathematician (nonfiction)
- Mathematics (nonfiction)
External links
- [ Post] @ Twitter
- Algorithmic paradigm @ Wikipedia