March 8

Better Than News
Birdman 2: Escape from Alcatraz is an American black comedy-drama biographical film directed by John Frankenheimer and Alejandro Iñárritu, starring Burt Lancaster and Michael Keaton.
Playskool's My First Nuclear Football an Executive toy briefcase, the contents of which are to be used by the President of the United States to authorize a nuclear attack while away from fixed playgrounds, such as the White House Cardboard Box Fortress.
Prince of Seltzer is an American science fiction horror-comedy film starring the Three Stooges and directed by John Carpenter.
Terminator vs. Lovejoy is a 1984 American science fiction comedy-religion film about a time-traveling robot (Arnold Schwarzenneger) who befriends a Presbylutheran Minister (Timothy Lovejoy Jr.).
Terminator vs. Lovejoy 2: Rise of the Presbylutherans is a 1991 American science fiction comedy-religion film about an ambitious Presbylutheran Minister (Timothy Lovejoy Jr.) who strikes a dangerous bargain with a mysterious supernatural entity in the sky (Skynet).
Beyond Plausible
"Jell-O Submarine" is a song by the British rock group and catering group The Beatles.
"Many are small but few are bosons" is a popular catch-phrase in high energy physics.
In Other Words
Forced Perspective is an optical illusion comedy-thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock.
Are You Sure
• ... that chemist and academic Otto Hahn pioneered the fields of radioactivity and radiochemistry, winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1944 for the discovery and the radiochemical proof of nuclear fission; and that after World War II, Hahn became a passionate campaigner against the use of nuclear energy as a weapon?
• ... that Bane Capital is a legal thriller film about a renegade aerospace engineer (Tom Hardy) who blackmails Gotham City into issuing municipal bonds for the upgrade of aging runways at Gotham City International Airport?
Selected Anniversaries
1618: Mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler discovers the third law of planetary motion.
1775: An anonymous writer, thought by some to be Thomas Paine, publishes "African Slavery in America", the first article in the American colonies calling for the emancipation of slaves and the abolition of slavery.
1879: Chemist and academic Otto Hahn born. He will pioneer the fields of radioactivity and radiochemistry, winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1944 for the discovery and the radiochemical proof of nuclear fission.
1914: Physicist, astronomer, and cosmologist Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich born. He will play a crucial role in the development of the Soviet Union's nuclear bomb project, studying the effects of nuclear explosions.
Desperately Hanging Chad2001: Premiere of , an American comedy documentary film about punched cards and electoral reform.
Topic of the Day
Personal hygiene
Clean-shaven two-headed men. You ever think about that?
Knights of the Old Spice Republic is an RPG video game series based Old Spice products and set in the fictional universe of Star Wars by George Lucas and Procter & Gamble.
The Mystery of Geraldo Rivera's Shaving Kit is a reality television series starring Geraldo Rivera.
Down to the Quick is an erotic lunchbox fetish novel for young adults in the Salty MacTavish After-Lunch Mystery series.
Forbidden Manicure is a beauty school and safe house for criminal nail technicians on the run.
Billy Madison 2: America is Best is a 2021 political comedy film starring Adam Sandler as Donald Trump.