March 5
Better Than News
Get Carter of Mars is a science fantasy noir novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, the fourth of the Barsoom series. It was adapted as a 1971 crime thriller film starring Michael Caine.
The Hudsucker FF is an American superhero screwball comedy film directed by Matt Shakman and Joel Coen, and starring Tim Robbins, Pedro Pascal, Jennifer Jason Leigh, John Malkovich, and Paul Newman.
"Fantasy Ceti Alpha 5" is one of the so-called "Forbidden Episodes" of the television series Star Trek.
Zinc nonperception syndrome (commonly known as transparent zinc disease) is a quantum psychoperceptual condition during which a sentient organic intelligence no longer perceives zinc: elemental zinc becomes invisible, soundless, intangible, and otherwise imperceptible.
A Möbius bacon strip is any of a family of meat-based mathematical functions with only one fatty side (when embedded in three-dimensional Euclidean frying pan) and only one meaty curve.
Beyond Plausible
Bene Gesserit in the Dunes is a Japanese New Wave avant-garde science fiction psychological thriller film directed by Hiroshi Teshigahara and Denis Villeneuve.
Moxie is an American soft drink animation franchise, featuring a clay humanoid character flavored with gentian root extract.
The Bong Supremacy is a 2004 American action-comedy film about a former CIA assassin (Matt Damon) suffering from cannabis amnesia.
Our Armadillidiidae Overlords is an unlicensed transdimensional corporation which disguises itself as One Two Three ... Infinity by George Gamow.
Guess Hughes Coming to Dinner is a 1967 American romantic aviation drama film, one of the few films of the time to depict Howard Hughes in a positive light, as Hughes had become an eccentric recluse.
In Other Words
I Know What You Did Last Zummer is a 1997 American sex education film. It draws inspiration from the urban legend known as the Nook, and the 1980s sex education films Prom Nurse (1980) and The Clinic on Sorority Row (1982).
Are You Sure
• ... that mathematician William Oughtred invented the slide rule in 1622?
• ... that Cthulhu Teaches Typing, is an application software program designed to teach touch typing; and that Cthulhu Teaches Typing is not a game, rather a "system for teaching you how to type while yielding your sanity to the unimaginable terrors of the illimitable beyond"?
Selected Anniversaries
1223 BC: Solar eclipse occurs; the event is recorded in a Syrian clay tablet, in the Ugaritic language.
1574: Mathematician William Oughtred born. He will invent the slide rule in 1622.
1616: Nicolaus Copernicus's book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres is added to the Index of Forbidden Books 73 years after it was first published.
1827: Mathematician and astronomer Pierre-Simon Laplace dies. He made important contributions to mathematics, statistics, physics and astronomy.
1914: Nuclear physicist and academic He Zehui born. He Zehui will contribute to nuclear physics in Germany during World War II, and develop nuclear weapons for China during the 1960s.
2022: Release of Cthulhu Teaches Typing, an application software program designed to teach touch typing. Cthulhu Teaches Typing is not a game, rather a "system for teaching you how to type while yielding your sanity to the unimaginable terrors of the illimitable beyond".
Topic of the Day
"This city deserves a better class of tweets. And I'm gonna give it to 'em." (The Dark Tweet)
"It is impossible to read the same tweet twice" is a phrase attributed to philosopher and social media influencer Heraclitus 1.1.