MKUltra Monkey

From Gnomon Chronicles
Earliest known poster for MKUltra Monkey.

MKUltra Monkey is a brand of trained spider monkeys which provide password recovery services for mind control operatives.

Advertising copy

"This adorable pet Spider Monkey is actually a deep cover sleeper cell agent trained to recover your MKUltra activation phrase using a combination of keywords, gestures, and safe, effective psychotropic drugs."

The Bonus feature exists is several versions:

  • "Bonus! Monkey carries a suicide needle to ensure your death in case of capture by enemy zoologists."
  • "Bonus! Monkey plays bongo drums (not included) and does amusing impressions of Richard Feynman."

In the News

Fiction cross-reference

Nonfiction cross-reference

External links

Social media

  • Post @ Twitter (24 April 2023)