High and Monstrous

From Gnomon Chronicles
"High and Monstrous" downloadable breakfast treats version 1.0.

High and Monstrous is a computer virus dessert comprising equal measures of cinnamon roll middles and Extract of Radium, traditionally served with an overstimulated adrenal gland garnish.

Source code

An early transcription of the source code reads:

Ah, but can we not also be high *and* monstrous?

(Speaking as one with my #BiologicalSubstrate: "Yes we can!")

I reject "crazy" and "stupid" as incompatible with "cinnamon roll middles".


Anti-Extract of Radium activist Karl Jones detected and decrypted the virus chemical algorithm on the morning of Sunday, 15 November 2020.

In the News

Fiction cross-reference

Nonfiction cross-reference

External links

  • [ Post] @ Twitter