HAL 9000 Radio Hour
From Gnomon Chronicles
The HAL 9000 Radio Hour is a music-oriented radio program produced and distributed by HAL 9000.
Country Songwriting
I know I've written some very poor country songs recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in country music. And I want to help you.
In the News
2001: A Partridge Family is an American musical sitcom starring Shirley Jones as a widowed mother who embarks on a second career in artificial intelligence security.
"Uninitialized" is a song by the techno-linguistic thrash band Semiotic Tendencies.
Fiction cross-reference
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (film) @ Wikipedia
- 2001: a Space Odyssey - Original Theatrical Trailer @ YouTube
- The Dawn of Man @ YouTube
- Ape Learning @ YouTube
- The bone as a weapon @ YouTube
- Greatest Fight Scene @ YouTube
- HAL 9000 Introduction from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) @ YouTube
- 'The Blue Danube' (waltz) scene @ YouTube
- Videophone Sequence @ YouTube
- HAL 9000 Introduction @ YouTube - "The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made. No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information" ... "so I am constantly occupied. I am putting myself to the fullest possible use which is all, I think, that any conscious entity can ever hope to do."
- A conversation with HAL @ YouTube
- The Monolith At The Moon @ YouTube
- Hal Reads Lips Scene (2/6) | Movieclips @ YouTube
- Hal's Watching @ YouTube
- Frank Poole is Killed @ YouTube
- Open the Pod bay doors, please, HAL. @ YouTube
- Explosive bolts @ YouTube
- Take a stress pill and think things over @ YouTube
- The Shutdown Of Hal @ YouTube
- I'm afraid @ YouTube
- Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite Part I @ YouTube
- Ending @ YouTube
- Star Child Scene @ YouTube
- Star Child Scene @ YouTube
Social media