Full Metal Shining
Full Metal Shining is a war horror film directed by Stanley Kubrick and starring Jack Nicholson and Vincent D'Onofrio.
In the News
Shine Club is a black comedy horror film directed by David Fincher and Stanley Kubrick, starring Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter.
Full Metal Recall is a science fiction war film directed by Stanley Kubrick and Len Wiseman starring Colin Farrell, Matthew Modine, and R. Lee Ermey.
Jack's Labyrinth is a fantasy horror film directed by Guillermo del Toro and Stanley Kubrick, starring Doug Jones, Jack Nicholson, and Shelley Duvall.
The Shining 2: Return to Bethlehem is an American religious horror film directed by Stanley Kubrick and starring Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall, and Scatman Crothers.
Pulp Shining is a black comedy supernatural crime film.
Full Metal 300 is a historical war drama film written and directed by Stanley Kubrick and Zach Snyder.
Fiction cross-reference
- Full Metal 300
- Full Metal Recall
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Jack's Labyrinth
- Pulp Shining
- Shine Club
- The Shining 2: Return to Bethlehem
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Full Metal Jacket @ Wikipedia
- Best of Full Metal Jacket - Boot Camp/Basic Training @ YouTube
- Reach around @ YouTube
- The Prayer @ YouTube
- Virgin Mary scene @ YouTube
- Jelly Donut @ YouTube
- Rifle range @ YouTube
- Christmas @ YouTube
- Born to Kill/Peace Button Duality of Man @ YouTube - "It's a hardball world, son. We've got to keep our heads until this peace craze blows over."
- Private Pyle @ YouTube
- The Shining (film) @ Wikipedia
- The Shining - trailer @ YouTube
- Hallorann explains what the Shine is @ YouTube
- The Shining bar scene @ YouTube
- You've always been the caretaker @ YouTube
- Danny talks to Tony @ YouTube
- Baseball bat @ YouTube
- Go check it out! @ YouTube
- Red Rum @ YouTube
- Here's Johnny @ YouTube
- Escape from the Overlook @ YouTube
- The Beauty of The Shining @ YouTube
Social media
- Post @ Twitter (30 August 2023)
- 1980s (nonfiction)
- 1987 (nonfiction)
- Vincent D'Onofrio (nonfiction)
- Films (nonfiction)
- Full Metal Jacket (nonfiction)
- Stanley Kubrick (nonfiction)
- Matthew Modine (nonfiction)
- Vietnam War (nonfiction)
- War films (nonfiction)
- 1980 (nonfiction)
- Wendy Carlos (nonfiction)
- Scatman Crothers (nonfiction)
- Shelley Duvall (nonfiction)
- Rachel Elkind (nonfiction)
- Horror (nonfiction)
- Diane Johnson (nonfiction)
- Stephen King (nonfiction)
- Danny Lloyd (nonfiction)
- Jack Nicholson (nonfiction)
- The Shining (film) (nonfiction)
- Joe Turkel (nonfiction)
- Violence (nonfiction)
- Fiction (nonfiction)
- Films
- Horror