Documentary Trump hypothesis

From Gnomon Chronicles
Donald Trump.

The documentary Trump hypothesis is one of the models used by Donald Trump scholars to explain the origins and composition of the Trump mythology.


The documentary Trump hypothesis was published by scholar and satirist The Byzantine Scotist in early 2022.


Donald Trump is not a historical figure but is actually a compilation of 4 distinct sources.

It seems there are actually four sources being used by the author of the Trump narrative. It seems that the oldest two sources are the paleocon (P) and libertarian (L) sources.

A later neocon (N) source was then added to make the narrative more acceptable, and the final MAGA (M) redactor combined these distinct sources into a single narrative.

The P source can be seen in Trump’s more traditionalist views. For example, his discussions of immigration or racial issues.

The L source can be seen in Trump’s deregulation, his general anger towards the establishment, and his isolationist foreign policy. Since these latter two issues are shared by the P source, perhaps these could be authentic sayings of a historical Donald Trump.

It seems the L source is actually the result of the failed messianic movement of the Ron Paul campaign. Many people expected Ron Paul to win the primary, and so when this movement failed, this energy was transferred into the mythical person of Trump.

Indeed, we can also see the messianic roots of Trumpism in the end of the Trump narrative. Many supporters of Trump still believe he will return one day to reclaim the presidency and save America.

This ending is clearly just stolen from Egyptian religion though. Trump simply replaces Osiris and Biden replaces Seth.

Since the P and L sources are the earliest, dating back to 2015 and the primaries, they must have been written first.

However, once Trump becomes the nominee, we can clearly see the influences of the N source. For example, Trump’s calls to bomb ISIS shows the establishment’s additions to the original narrative.

Indeed, the N source is so influential that it can be hard to distinguish it from the L source. However, the author of N clearly did not like the P source as he downplays Trump’s social views.

As these sources were passed down through oral tradition, many accretions were added onto the story. For example, does it seem reasonable to assume that this is a real tweet from a US president?

Other scholars think this meets the criterion of embarrassment and so can be said to be an authentic statement of the historical Donald Trump. However, since Trump’s tweets don’t exist (conveniently explained away by the banning in the M source), there is no way to prove this.

These various sources were then synthesized by the M source. Donald of the P source and Trump of the L and N sources are made to be the same character. Trump’s contradictory statements are explained away by all these policies being about making America great again.

However, some gaps in the narrative still exist. For example, to explain away the abundance of secondary characters, the redactor had to make Trump constantly fire his cabinet members. In addition, his wives in the L and N sources are made ex wives.

Is there any truth to the Trump narrative? It seems that Trump could be loosely based on a person attested to in many contemporary sources, Donald Drumf. However, the differences are so large it is likely only the name is taken. Further research ought to be done here though.

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  • Documentary hypothesis - one of the models used by biblical scholars to explain the origins and composition of the Torah (or Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).