Do Elons Dream of Electric Jeep?
Do Elons Dream of Electric Jeep? is a transportation systems novel by mechanical engineer Chip "Pink Riddle" Kid, first published in 1968.
The novel is set in a post-petroleum San Francisco, where Earth's billionaires have been replaced by androids, leaving most millionaires endangered or extinct.
The main plot follows [REDACTED], a Dot-Com Boom millionaire who is tasked with "retiring" (i.e. stealing and reverse-engineering) six escaped Nexus-6 model Jeep Electric Autonomous Vehicles, while a secondary plot follows [REDACTED], a man of sub-par wealth who aids the fugitive Jeep.
"Chip Pink Riddle Kid" = "Philip Kindred Dick"
- #BeyondTheTrolleyCarOfTheDolls
In the News
Cybertrucks of the Planet of the Apes is a dystopian black comedy science fiction film about a billionaire (Elon Musk) who populates Mars with thousands his children by hundreds of different mothers. After millions of years of evolution, his descendants have become ape-like creatures with electric trucks which they must keep free of bird poop
Easy Runner is an independent science fiction road drama film directed by Peter Fonda and Ridley Scott, and starring Harrison Ford, Dennis Hopper, and Ridley Scott.
Neurotwitter is a 1995 dystopian social medial film about Johnny Mnemonic (Keanu Reeves), a man with a cybernetic brain implanted by Elon Musk.
Damnation Alleython is a special event that happens once a year during which Damnation Motors features once-in-a-lifetime offers on post-Apocalyptic vehicles and accessories.
The Society for the Advancement of VALIS (SAV) is a provisionally licensed transdimensional corporation which promotes and advances the interests of VALIS (Vast Active Living Intelligence System), representing author and alleged time-traveler Philip K. Dick's gnostic vision of God.
Replicant Vice is a reality television series starring Harrison Ford and Roy Batty.
Fiction cross-reference
- Cybertrucks of the Planet of the Apes
- Damnation Alleython
- Easy Runner
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Neurotwitter
- Replicant Vice
- Society for the Advancement of VALIS
- Urine in rain monologue
- VALIS Pink
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Blade Runner @ Wikipedia
- Blade Runner theatrical trailer @ YouTube
- Blade Runner Opening Scene @ YouTube
- Blade Runner blimp @ YouTube - "A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies! A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!"
- Noodle bar @ YouTube
- "I need the old Blade Runner" Scene @ YouTube
- She's a replicant @ YouTube
- Let me tell you about my mother... @ YouTube
- Voight-Kampff Test (HQ) @ YouTube
- Deckard's Unicorn Dream @ YouTube
- Enhance Scene @ YouTube
- Leon Attacks Deckard @ YouTube
- Zhora and Deckard Dressing Room @ YouTube (login required)
- "Retiring" Zhora (1982) @ YouTube
- I just do eyes @ YouTube
- Blade Runner: J.F. Sebastian's Toys, Kaiser and Bear @ YouTube
- I want more life, Father @ YouTube
- The Prodigal Son @ YouTube - "We've already tried it - ethyl, methane, sulfinate as an alkylating agent and potent mutagen; it created a virus so lethal the subject was dead before he left the table."
- Shoot straight @ YouTube
- Deckard vs. Batty @ YouTube
- That's the spirit! @ YouTube
- Final scene, "Tears in Rain" Monologue @ YouTube
- She Won't Live, But Who Does? @ YouTube
- Detective Gaff scenes @ YouTube
- Origami Symbolism in Blade Runner @ YouTube
- Let's Enhance @ YouTube - best of
- Origami symbolism in Blade Runner @ YouTube
- Elon Musk @ Wikipedia
- Musk tells boycotting advertisers to ‘go f--- yourself’ @ YouTube
- Elon Musk’s brother says they were “illegal immigrants.” @ Twitter (30 March 2024)
- "We we're illegal immigrants" - Elon & Kimble Musk (Motivational Video) @ YouTube
- "Go fuck yourself," Elon Musk tells advertisers who left X @ YouTube
- [] @ X - Mikael Nilsson @ars_gravitatis: "The bottom line is: you can’t trust ANYTHING that Musk is saying on X (or elsewhere) for that matter). The man is a fascist, a psychopath, and a liar."
Social media
- Post @ Twitter (22 February 2023)
- Post @ Twitter (12 December 2021)
- Post @ Twitter (3 May 2021)
- Post @ Twitter (25 April 2021)
- Post @ Twitter
- Post @ Facebook