Do Elons Dream of Electric Jeep?

From Gnomon Chronicles
"Do androids dream of electric cars? tweet by Elon Musk; "Do Elons Dream of Electric Jeep?" publicity photo courtesy Gnomon Chronicles PKD Manufacturers Association.
Do Elons Dream of Electric Jeep?.

Do Elons Dream of Electric Jeep? is a transportation systems novel by mechanical engineer Chip "Pink Riddle" Kid, first published in 1968.


The novel is set in a post-petroleum San Francisco, where Earth's billionaires have been replaced by androids, leaving most millionaires endangered or extinct.

The main plot follows [REDACTED], a Dot-Com Boom millionaire who is tasked with "retiring" (i.e. stealing and reverse-engineering) six escaped Nexus-6 model Jeep Electric Autonomous Vehicles, while a secondary plot follows [REDACTED], a man of sub-par wealth who aids the fugitive Jeep.


"Chip Pink Riddle Kid" = "Philip Kindred Dick"


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