Diary (October 30, 2020)
Online diary of Karl Jones for Friday October 30, 2020.
Previous: Diary (October 29, 2020) - Next: Diary (October 31, 2020)
Black soldier fly larvae
User Zigbig: black soldier fly larvae "will eat anything you give them. All your kitchen scraps can go there instead of to the municipal compost and turn right into food. If you REALLY can’t eat them yourself or your using them as a composting toilet (they will eat poop within 8 hours of… production rather than the 2 years for normal composting) then they can be fed to chickens, fish or hogs as their main food source."
- Comment @ Boing Boing
A Better Panopticon

A Better Panopticon is a startup transdimensional corporation based in New Minneapolis, Canada which provides transdimensional prison design, construction, and uninterruptable ontological support services.
Milspec Tofu
All your Pepsi are belong to us
"All your Pepsi are belong to us" is a popular Internet meme based on a phrase found in the opening cutscene of the New Minneapolis, Canada release of the 1992 Gnomon algorithm port of the 1989 transdimensional game Soda Thing, which is subtitled and poorly decrypted.