Diary (October 27, 2020)
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Online diary of Karl Jones for Tuesday October 27, 2020.
Previous: Diary (October 26, 2020) - Next: Diary (October 28, 2020)
Dionysian fermenter and sparger
I post outlandish stuff *and only outlandish stuff* as the Gnomon Chronicles.
G.C. is the generative slime fermenter and sparger for all of my Dionysian chthonic impulses.
If I wish to speak rationally, I switch to Karl Gregory Jones (@karl_jones), my Apollonian identity.
- Post @ Twitter
- Dionysian Fermenter and Sparger For Sale
The way the sixties are going

Poster for Higher State (1990).
Higher State (1990 Film) - "The way the sixties are going, the fifties are going to make the forties feel like the thirties!"