Diary (November 6, 2020)
Online diary of Karl Jones for Friday November 6, 2020.
Previous: Diary (November 5, 2020) - Next: Diary (November 7, 2020)
Cretaceous Office Supplies

Office supply needs were simpler during the Cretaceous period.
Oceans were dominated by enormous reams of Legal standard paper.
The more familiar "Letter" standard of our day evolved later, in response to evolutionary pressure towards leaner, "just-in-time" organisms.
Recursion is strong medicine
Recursion is strong medicine.
A measured dose heals.
Unrestrained recursion deforms; it deranges; it kills.
Sand-traversing caravans travel single file
Every sand-traversing caravan travels single file, as informed by the physics of sand.
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I'm just me, but my brother Geoff is a professional archaeologist, and our dad, Arthur, took his degree in plains Indian anthropology (dad is why I have a sweet spot, probably atavistic, for all things Sapir-Whorf).
FWIW, I get a kick from your "arsenic bronze tools" comment.