Diary (June 21, 2020)

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Online diary of Karl Jones for Sunday June 21, 2020.

Previous: Diary (June 20, 2020) - Next: Diary (June 22, 2020)


The Ink

New fictional movie: The Ink

The idea came to me on the afternoon of June 21, 2020. I was thinking about fountain pens, I don't recall why, and the phrase "The Ink" came to mind like a film title. Like "The Stuff" is a horror film about some stuff called The Stuff. My stuff is The Ink, for which the fountain pen is a vessel.

The Gleaners

The Gleaners.

To Do: describe The Gleaners as three witches planting the seeds of peasant revolutions.

Perhaps falsely implicate Les Empyrées for dramatic purposes.

In the News

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