Diary (February 3, 2022)
From Gnomon Chronicles
Online diary of Karl Jones for Thursday February 3, 2022.
Previous: Diary (February 2, 2022) - Next: Diary (February 4, 2022)
No pants in my dreams
... One of those dreams where I am not wearing pants in public— no one seems to notice, but damn, it's embarrassing— out at a party, or a shopping mall, or the student union coffee house, and— no pants!
- Baggy Pink, Piggy bank (nonfiction)
- Mildew Killed You
- Lacrimony
- Shenaniganza!
- It's a Whole New Brand Spanking
- Migratious
- Touch My Fingertips
- Fecundary
- Reckless Harbinger
- Toroid - Blue Straggler
- American Gluten
- Cache phrase
- I'm gonna get my appurtenance legalized
- Mixolydeon
- That Was Then, This is Here by Alice Beta
- Urgent Care Sit-Down Comedy - They had me in stitches so I gave as good as I got as I could
- Anthropc Pharisee
- Healin' It with host Jesus of Nazareth
- Retract the Meniscus
- Loamsick
- What it lacks in making up for it overcompensates in insufficiency
- What is lacks in making up for makes it rich in deficiency
- Oh that tastes goo
- Three Needles to the Vein
- Verisimilitude Confections
- Tom Swift and the Global Catastrophizer
- Little Hazy Bones - Hazy Bones
- Aphasia, Aphasia we pledge our voice to—
- Possibilities are exerting themselves
- Live for today—tomorrow! With Future Life
- Transdimensional Sweepstakes
- Hitler on the Hidenburg
- Against the Groin
- Prometheus Broke the Fire Cartel and other tales of humanity
- Melanumina Services
- Baites-Zephyr phenomenon "has never been adequately explained"
- Rubidium! - the musical based on the hit play based on the film based on the short story based on the element
- Instant Gratification Takes Time by Euphoriolanus
- Curtain Rod, Rotten Curd -
- Tallowclot Hall - alleged troll culvert - see Culvert Origenes
- Askance Askancer
- Sustaining Member
- Love is a pair of eight-siders that always add up to a prime
- Seed and Go Hike, Hide and go seek
- Neither the dignity of a professional nor the courtesy of a friend
- Night of the Glass Knives by Vektor Konsultant
- Tony Imbroglio, master of the Donnybrook arts
- Guinivore
- Tricecrime
- Vocephidor
- Dichronium
- I'm looking forward to looking back on this with love
- "Not a eulogy ... what's that other one? ... an effigy.
- At least you can't be burned in eulogy.
- What the Twilight Zone is to the Twilight Zone, the Gnomon Chronicles is to the real world
- In the Pituitary of the Beast
- I Am the Belly of Joe's Beast
- "Osirus, Anubis / Ooo, they'll dice and cube us" ... mummies, jars canopic
- to "Kokomo"