Diary (April 28, 2020)

From Gnomon Chronicles

Online diary of Karl Jones for Tuesday April 28, 2020.


Fictional explanations

Thinking about the nursery rhyme Database Database: some will object that the word "database" had no known currency in the 1700s, an anomaly, and thus interesting.

A nursery rhyme could be manifested as a transdimensional corporation, leaving little or no evidence for lexical forensic investigation.

Or the rhyme could be an extraliminal remnant from a cryptographic numen, perhaps a prequel to Joseph Marie Jacquard's development of programmable loom technology.

We are all citizen-journalists now

We are all citizen-journalists now.

Quotes must be used correctly in context, or attributed.

What we do the least idea, we do to all ideas.

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Fiction cross-reference

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