Blade Shiner
Blade Shiner is a 1982 comedy buddy film about an emotionally troubled drifter (Jack Nicholson) who befriends a memory-challenged billionaire (Joe Turkel) who pretends to be a bartender in his own luxury hotel.
"No charge to you, Mister Deckard. Your money is no good here.
"The light that Shines twice as bright Shines half as long — and you have Shone so very, very brightly, Jack."
In the News
2001: A Shine Odyssey is a 1968 science fiction horror buddy film which follows an alcoholic writer (Jack Nicholson) and a sentient computer (HAL 9000) on a voyage to Jupiter after the discovery of an alien fire axe.
Bourne Kong is a 2021 action-zoology film starring Matt Damon.
Replicant Vice is a reality television series starring Harrison Ford and Roy Batty.
My Secret Dope Clerk Doses Up Your Eerie Foe is an ongoing real-time reality TV show starring "Dungeon Man Jack" (the incarnate shade of a long-dead Jack Nicholson). The show follows the lives and deaths of Dungeons and Dragons fans who challenge DM Jack for ownership of the Underlook Hotel in New Minneapolis, Canada.
"Imagine There's No Satan" is an alleged lost song by John Lennon.
Fiction cross-reference
- 2001: A Shine Odyssey
- Bourne Kong
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Imagine There's No Satan
- My Secret Dope Clerk Doses Up Your Eerie Foe
- Replicant Vice
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Blade Runner @ Wikipedia
- Blade Runner theatrical trailer @ YouTube
- Blade Runner Opening Scene @ YouTube
- Blade Runner blimp @ YouTube - "A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies! A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!"
- Noodle bar @ YouTube
- "I need the old Blade Runner" Scene @ YouTube
- She's a replicant @ YouTube
- Let me tell you about my mother... @ YouTube
- Voight-Kampff Test (HQ) @ YouTube
- Deckard's Unicorn Dream @ YouTube
- Enhance Scene @ YouTube
- Leon Attacks Deckard @ YouTube
- Zhora and Deckard Dressing Room @ YouTube (login required)
- "Retiring" Zhora (1982) @ YouTube
- I just do eyes @ YouTube
- Blade Runner: J.F. Sebastian's Toys, Kaiser and Bear @ YouTube
- I want more life, Father @ YouTube
- The Prodigal Son @ YouTube - "We've already tried it - ethyl, methane, sulfinate as an alkylating agent and potent mutagen; it created a virus so lethal the subject was dead before he left the table."
- Shoot straight @ YouTube
- Deckard vs. Batty @ YouTube
- That's the spirit! @ YouTube
- Final scene, "Tears in Rain" Monologue @ YouTube
- She Won't Live, But Who Does? @ YouTube
- Detective Gaff scenes @ YouTube
- Origami Symbolism in Blade Runner @ YouTube
- Let's Enhance @ YouTube - best of
- Origami symbolism in Blade Runner @ YouTube
- The Shining (film) @ Wikipedia
- The Shining - trailer @ YouTube
- Hallorann explains what the Shine is @ YouTube
- The Shining bar scene @ YouTube
- You've always been the caretaker @ YouTube
- Danny talks to Tony @ YouTube
- Baseball bat @ YouTube
- Go check it out! @ YouTube
- Red Rum @ YouTube
- Here's Johnny @ YouTube
- Escape from the Overlook @ YouTube
- The Beauty of The Shining @ YouTube
Social media
- 1980s (nonfiction)
- 1982 (nonfiction)
- Blade Runner (nonfiction)
- Joanna Cassidy (nonfiction)
- Michael Deeley (nonfiction)
- Hampton Fancher (nonfiction)
- Films (nonfiction)
- Harrison Ford (nonfiction)
- Rutger Hauer (nonfiction)
- Edward James Olmos (nonfiction)
- David Peoples (nonfiction)
- Roy Batty (nonfiction)
- Science fiction (nonfiction)
- Ridley Scott (nonfiction)
- Joe Turkel (nonfiction)
- Sean Young (nonfiction)
- Vangelis (nonfiction)
- Nonfiction (nonfiction)
- 1960s (nonfiction)
- 1968 (nonfiction)
- Books (nonfiction)
- Philip K. Dick (nonfiction)
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (nonfiction)
- Novels (nonfiction)
- 1980 (nonfiction)
- Wendy Carlos (nonfiction)
- Scatman Crothers (nonfiction)
- Shelley Duvall (nonfiction)
- Rachel Elkind (nonfiction)
- Horror (nonfiction)
- Diane Johnson (nonfiction)
- Stephen King (nonfiction)
- Danny Lloyd (nonfiction)
- Jack Nicholson (nonfiction)
- The Shining (film) (nonfiction)
- Violence (nonfiction)
- Fiction (nonfiction)
- Films