Alderaan Croutons

Alderaan Croutons is a brand of space rubble croutons manufactured by Grand Chef Tarkin.
"You would prefer another target, a culinary target? Then name the recipe!"
In the News
Imperial Pancakes is a brand of pancakes from Grand Chef Tarkin.
"Absolutely Croutons" is a song by the English progressive cooking band Pink Fried from their album Obscured by Foods.
Baby Sarlacc is a trade name for a juvenile sarlacc, popular as a novelty pet.
ISIS-K is an advanced, vitamin-fortified combat breakfast cereal manufactured by Chef Grand Tarkin under license from the Great Sol System Co-Prosperity Sphere.
The Lightly-Furred Hobbit-Grown Zucchini is an ornamental variety of transdimensional corporation, cultivated in the Shire for the vegetable sexual fetish trade.
The Andromeda Galaxy robbery (also known as the Great Andromeda Galaxy robbery) was a coordinated attack upon the Andromeda Galaxy. The robbery was committed by parties as yet unidentified (December 2020) using hijacked laser guide stars.
First they came for the plastic fruit displays is a morally and aesthetically deranged form of Martin Niemöller poem First Them Came ....
Project Darkwhistle (also Project Darkwhistle, DARK WHISTLE, etc.) is an orbital wind tunnel.
Fiction cross-reference
- Absolutely Croutons
- Baby Sarlacc
- Chicken Enfilade
- Chicxulub Chips
- Crimes against astronomical constants
- Extract of Radium - cross-marketed as crouton physics enhancer under the slogan "Puts the Newtons in your Croutons!"
- First they came for the plastic fruit displays'
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Grand Chef Tarkin
- Human Feedstock - has cross-marketed several products with Grand Chef Tarkin, where their galactic strategic interests temporarily align
- Imperial Pancakes
- Oort Cloud Follies
- Project Darkwhistle
- THOP - Tarkin House of Pancakes
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Caesar Salad @ YouTube