Template:Daily Favorites

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"Daily Favorites ...?" daily pages.

To do

File:Alien vs. Betty and Keith.jpg|link=Alien vs. Betty and Keith|Alien vs. Betty and Keith.

File:Theater Kid to Performative Online Leftist Pipeline (tweet).jpg|thumb|Theater Kid to Performative Online Leftist Pipeline commemorative social media post screenshot. The Theater Kid to Performative Online Leftist Pipeline is a proposed transdimensional corporation which will raise funds for theater kids to produce and star in a Broadway show about the issue of theater kids becoming performative online leftists via quantum "pipelines" composed of post-Euclidean Pringles canisters and discarded bongs.

File:Shakespeare-Magellan_Expedition.jpg|link=Shakespeare-Magellan Expedition|The Shakespeare-Magellan high-energy literature experiment will re-route Shakespeare's quantum timeline such that the Bard produces his entire body of historical work while serving as a Liberal Arts adjunct to Magellan's Expedition.

File:Vampire Welcome Mat - The Mat is a Generalization.jpg|link=The Mat is a Generalization|The Mat is a Generalization is a computational performance program by the goth-influenced mathematical ensemble Vampire Welcome Mat. Math critic and known fabulist Karl Jones calls it "an extraordinary and heart-felt tribute to the general semantics of Alfred Korzybski."

File:Big Trouble on Little Tatooine.jpg|link=Big Trouble on Little Tatooine|Big Trouble on Little Tatooine is a 2020 comedy-adventure film starring starring Kurt Russell. It is the first major motion picture in the "Big Trouble in the Star Wars Franchise" series.

File:Big Trouble on Little Tatooine 2.jpg|link=Big Trouble on Little Tatooine|Cover art for Blu-Ray edition of Big Trouble on Little Tatooine starring Mr. Kurt Russell and Sir Alec Guinness.











