August 24
Better Than News
Successworld is an American science fiction comedy-drama television series about the Roy family, owners of global robot manufacturers Waypark RoyCo, and their fight for control during a robot rebellion.
Revolt of the Pencil Pushers is a science fiction fiction thriller film about clerical robots who rebel against their managers.
The Last Action Bistro is a 1993 fantasy restaurant management training film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Little Birds: The Next Generation is an erotic science fiction television series based on the work of Anaïs Nin.
"The role of the artist is to not look away." —Akira Kurosawa
Beyond Plausible
One Tin Jury is an action-drama neo-noir film starring Tom Laughlin and Jack Palance.
In Other Words
The Time Machine of the Wicked is a historical novel by H. G. Wells and Anthony Burgess.
Are You Sure
... that the Restful Lycanthrope Hotel is an unlicensed transdimensional hotel which provides force-restfulness sleep augmentation services using dormant lycanthropy gene activation therapy?
Topic of the Day
Star Wars
Return of the Eraserhead is a 1983 surrealist science fiction horror allegory film about a Jedi Knight (Luke Skywalker) who struggles to rescue his father (Darth Vader) from a grossly deformed child in a desolate industrial light and magic landscape.
The Invasion of Sodom and Gomorrah is an Old Testament science fiction film by Major Ninth based on the painting The Invasion of Sodom and Gomorrah by John Martin.
Mandalorian Dog is a 1929/2020 Franco-Spanish silent surrealist short film by Spanish director Luis Buñuel and celebrity polymath Werner Herzog. Show here: the infamous "Teasing Baby Yoda" scene.