Watergate Scandal (virus)
From Gnomon Chronicles
(Redirected from Watergate scandal)
Watergate Scandal is a math virus which commits political crimes against mathematical constants by infiltrating and corrupting Gnomon algorithm functions.
It was named by cryptographer and actor Niles Cartouchian (1900s), who drew attention to its appearance during a Skip Digits concert at the White House in 1974.
Gem detective Niles Cartouchian (1800s) alleges that Extract of Radium distributor Egon Rhodomunde secretly manufactures the illegal political drug Clandestiphrine from a mixture of Watergate Scandal and Extract of Radium.
In the News
Fiction cross-reference
- Baron Zersetzung - top-level distributor of Watergate Scandal
- Clandestiphrine - transdimensional drug which amplifies the user's will to conceal events and misdirect attention
- Egon Rhodomunde
- Extract of Radium
- Gnomon algorithm
- Math lab - laboratory where mathematics (nonfiction) is used to plan and commit crimes against mathematical constants
- Math virus
- Niles Cartouchian (1900s)
- Skip Digits