The Waking of the Slate

From Gnomon Chronicles
(Redirected from Waking of the Slate)
The traditional Waking of the Slate.

The Waking of the Slate is a tradition in the Welsh slate mining industry.

The slate is traditionally woken with reveille call on bugle.

In the News

Fiction cross-reference

  • Death By Flint
  • How Uncanny Was My Valley - film (2020) which tells the story of the Morgans, a hard-working Welsh mining family on Mars, from the point of view of the youngest child Pkd, who lives with his affectionate and kind parents, and his five brothers, in the Valles Marineris during the early modern era. The story chronicles life in the Martian colonies, the widening gaps between the "Cannies" (human colonists) and the "Uncannies" (android-Martian hybrids), and its effects on the family.
  • Tintinitus

Nonfiction cross-reference

External links

Social media

  • Post @ Twitter (11 November 2024)