Template:Better Than News/December 15
"The Entertainer Within": A transporter malfunction splits Captain Kirk into David Bowie and Bing Crosby. (Star Trek: Forbidden Episodes.)
The Marx is Right? is a reality television game show in which contestants symbolically vindicate Karl Marx while disparaging Capitalism by heaping up cash and prizes and setting the lot ablaze in a secular yet emotionally stirring Bonfire of the Media.
"Back On the Supply Chain Gang" is a song by Chrissie Hynde and the Department of Corrections.
A Streetcar Named Annette is a play by Tennessee Williams 1.1. It is loosely based on the novel The Grifters by Jim Thompson.
Pink Blob is a 1988 rock opera horror film about an acidic, amoeba-like alien organism that crashes down to Earth in a military satellite and devours a British progressive rock band (Pink Floyd) as it grows.