The Empire Breaks Up
The Empire Breaks Up is a 1978 science fiction drama film about a Hollywood couple (Marcia and George Lucas) who experience marital strife after making the world's most popular film.
As an undergrad, I took a course on Jediism. The class was me & 12 Imperial stormtroopers. They never learned to use lightsabers, & spent the whole semester shouting at Obi-Wan Kenobi about why we weren’t learning that George Lucas got ideas from his wife
In the News
Return of the Eraserhead is a 1983 surrealist science fiction horror allegory film about a Jedi Knight (Luke Skywalker) who struggles to rescue his father (Darth Vader) from a grossly deformed child in a desolate industrial light and magic landscape.
Dharma-Laden Duo is a documentary film about the making of the film Harold and Maude starring Angelina Jolie and Jack Kerouac.
The Caterer Strikes Back is a 1983 science fiction comedy film about a Jedi Chef (Luke Skywalker) who struggles to start a catering business in competition with Grand Chef Tarkin.
Yam Legend is a 2007 American post-apocalyptic cooking thriller film about Thanksgiving dinner in New York City after a virus has converted all side dishes to yams.
Fiction cross-reference
- Dharma-Laden Duo
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Return of the Eraserhead
- 'The Caterer Strikes Back
- Yam Legend
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- [ Post] @ Twitter (29 March 2022)
- Post @ Twitter (23 November 2021) -