Diary (April 16, 2021)
Online diary of Karl Jones for Friday April 16, 2021.
Previous: Diary (April 15, 2021) - Next: Diary (April 17, 2021)
Fortress White America
But of course. That's how it's done. And that is the heart of the problem: can the keepers of lethal force live apart from the community they serve.
Alternately, it's just another example of Fortress White America.
It strikes me of a sudden — this is not an original idea, but it just hit me — the American Civil War ... how its iconography disguises the racism of the North (and non-racism in the South, but let's bear down on the racism North and South). White fortress suburbs.
Gets me thinking — Is that Rittenhouse boy still on the lam? Last I checked, months ago, after flashing all that Proud Boys stuff on YouTube, and getting a court order to stay at home, he left home and went into private hiding.
It seems to me that the state of Michigan is in rebellion, if accused national-profile criminals under legal lockdown orders absquatulate to their private coverts, and there is no police response.