Diary (June 5, 2015)
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Online diary of Karl Jones for Sunday September 13, 2015.
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A grandes rasgos
A grandes rasgos (nonfiction) - TO_DO: translate
rasgo MASCULINE NOUN 1. (Anatomy) feature tiene unos rasgos muy marcados she has very pronounced (facial) features de rasgos enérgicos of energetic appearance
2. (= peculiaridad) characteristic ⧫ feature rasgos característicos typical features rasgos distintivos distinctive features
3. (con pluma) stroke ⧫ flourish rasgos characteristics (of one’s handwriting) ▪ idiom: a grandes rasgos broadly speaking
4. (= acto)
- rasgo de generosidad act of generosity (= acción noble) noble gesture
rasgo de ingenio flash of wit ⧫ stroke of genius
- rasgp @ Collins Dictionary