War Diaries (December 18) (nonfiction)

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War Diary entries for December 18

Previous: December 17 - Next: December 19


Kenneth: December 18, 1951


We’ve been up on the MLR now for 2 days. We’re sitting on a hill overlooking a real wide valley. The Koreans are on one side of the valley and we’re on the other side. It must be about 4000 yards wide or so. We control the valley in the day time and the Koreans control it by night. We got here about 6 am Sunday and immediately we got put on a listening post about a quarter of a mile out in front of the lines. We sat there for about 27 hours. Talking about being scared at night, I was so scared I could hardly talk. The Koreans hit on both sides of us, but they didn’t hit us. We could see their machine guns a ways off to our right, but we didn’t shoot at it.

We’re living in bunkers now. All they are is glorified foxholes, but they keep us pretty warm. The days are pretty mild and the nights are cold.

We don’t get much water up here, just enough to drink, not enough to wash in, so I’ve got dirty hands as they haven’t been washed in about 4 days. So you’ll have to excuse it if this paper is rather dirty.

I haven’t gotten your Florida address yet as we’re missing a week’s mail. Maybe I’ll get it tonight.

Well honey I gotta close now and work come more on my bunker. Don’t forget honey I love you now and always. By for now

All my Love Ken

Kenneth Zill

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