Wilhelm Wirtinger (nonfiction)

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Wilhelm Wirtinger.

Wilhelm Wirtinger (15 July 1865 – 15 January 1945) was an Austrian mathematician, working in complex analysis, geometry, [[Algebra (nonfiction)|algebra, number theory, Lie groups, and knot theory.

Wirtinger was greatly influenced by Felix Klein with whom he studied at the University of Berlin and the University of Göttingen.

In 1907 the Royal Society of London awarded him the Sylvester Medal, for his contributions to the general theory of functions.

He worked in many areas of mathematics, publishing 71 works.

His first significant work, published in 1896, was on theta functions.

He proposed as a generalization of eigenvalues, the concept of the spectrum of an operator, in an 1897 paper; the concept was further extended by David Hilbert and now it forms the main object of investigation in the field of spectral theory.

Wirtinger also contributed papers on complex analysis, geometry, algebra, number theory, and Lie groups.

He collaborated with Kurt Reidemeister on knot theory, showing in 1905 how to compute the knot group.

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