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The Gnomon Chronicles is a work of fiction and nonfiction by Karl Jones (nonfiction). Fresh content daily.
March 31
Better Than News
Matrix Redemption is an epic religious science fiction film directed by Martin Scorsese and the Wachowskis, starring Keanu Reeves and Willem Dafoe.
Cape Fear 2: The Mind-Killer is a science fiction psychological thriller film directed by Martin Scorsese and Denis Villeneuve, starring The film stars Robert De Niro, Nick Nolte, Jessica Lange, and Timothée Chalamet.
Oz is a 1975 American fantasy adventure film about a police chief, a marine biologist, and a professional shark hunter who must travel to the Emerald City.
Raging Boss is a documentary film directed by Martin Scorsese about legendary American musician Bruce Springsteen.
"Me and the universe, we got an understanding" is line from the film The Blueshift Brothers.
Beyond Plausible
Village of the Warmed is a science fiction horror-thermodynamics film about a group of alien children who use radiators to travel between planets.
In Other Words
Camille & Seymour is a comedy detective television series starring academic Camille Paglia and elementary school principal Seymour Skinner.
Are You Sure ...
... that physicist and academic Clifford Shull shared the 1994 Nobel Prize in Physics with Bertram Brockhouse for the development of the neutron scattering technique?
Selected Anniversaries
1596: Mathematician and philosopher René Descartes born. Descartes will be remembered as the father of modern Western philosophy.
1730: Mathematician and theorist Étienne Bézout born. Bezout's Théorie générale des équations algébriques will contain much new and valuable matter on the theory of elimination and symmetrical functions of the roots of an equation.
1877: Mathematician and philosopher Antoine Augustin Cournot dies. Cournot introduced the ideas of functions and probability into economic analysis.
1943: Publication of The Glass Tweet Game, the last full-length tweet-chain by author and alleged time-traveler Hermann Hesse.
1970: The spacecraft Explorer 1 re-enters the Earth's atmosphere after 12 years in orbit. Explorer 1 was the first satellite launched by the United States.
2001: Physicist and academic Clifford Shull dies. Shull shared the 1994 Nobel Prize in Physics with Bertram Brockhouse for the development of the neutron scattering technique.
Topic of the Day
David Lynch
Eraserhead Nevsky is a 1938 Soviet surrealist allegory film directed by Sergei Eisenstein and David Lynch. It depicts the attempted invasion of desolate industrial landscape in the 13th century by a man in space moving levers, and his defeat by Prince Eraserhead, known popularly as Eraserhead Nevsky.
Forbidden Cosplay of the Bene Gesserit is a 1984 American epic science fiction role playing film about the forbidden love between a dispossessed young aristocrat and his witch-priestess mother.
Return of the Eraserhead is a 1983 surrealist science fiction horror allegory film about a Jedi Knight (Luke Skywalker) who struggles to rescue his father (Darth Vader) from a grossly deformed child in a desolate industrial light and magic landscape.
Dune: the Heart Plug Years is a reality television series starring Baron Harkonnen and Sting.
Arrakishead is a 1983 surrealist science fiction horror allegory film about a dispossessed aristocrat who is left to care for his melange-addicted child in a barren desert landscape.
INTERVIEW: "Gnomon Chronicles: An Interview With The Man Who Makes Up Movies - Meet the satirist blurring the line between entertainment and reality…" by Aaron Cowell for Tr!ll online magazine.