The Willy Wonka Picture Show
The Willy Wonka Picture Show is an American musical comedy horror-fantasy film directed by Jim Sharman and Mel Stuart, starring Gene Wilder and Tim Curry.
Executive Director: e. b. rhinoplasty
In the News
Willy Wonka and the She-Hulk Factory is an American musical superhero legal drama television series about an eccentric billionaire (Gene Wilder) who plays sadistic games with mutant children.
The Hunt for Rocky Horror is a submarine comedy spy horror film starring Tim Curry and Sean Connery, based on the novel of the same name by Tom Clancy.
Dune: House Wonka is a science fiction musical fantasy film based on the novel of the same name by Frank Herbert and Roald Dahl.
Charlie and the Jedi Factory is a 2005 science fiction musical fantasy film about an orphan moisture farmer who dreams of finding one of five golden light sabers hidden inside chocolate bar wrappers which will admit him to the eccentric and reclusive Willy Wonka's magical Jedi factory.
Willy Wonka and the Ministry of Information is a dystopian science fiction musical noir fantasy film directed by Terry Gilliam and Tim Burton, starring Jonathan Pryce and Johnny Depp.
Fiction cross-reference
- Charlie and the Jedi Factory
- Dune: House Wonka
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- The Hunt for Rocky Horror
- Willy Wonka and the Ministry of Information
- Willy Wonka and the She-Hulk Factory
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show @ Wikipedia
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show - trailer @ YouTube
- Time Warp @ YouTube
- Wily Wonka & the Chocolate Factory @ Wikipedia
- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Augustus Gloop @ YouTube
- Willy Wonka 1971 Oompa Loompa Song @ YouTube
- Gene Wilder - Pure Imagination @ YouTube
- Tunnel of Terror @ YouTube
Social media
- Post @ Twitter (5 November 2024)
- 1970s (nonfiction)
- 1975 (nonfiction)
- Barry Bostwick (nonfiction)
- Comedies (nonfiction)
- Tim Curry (nonfiction)
- Films (nonfiction)
- Charles Gray (nonfiction)
- Horror (nonfiction)
- Musicals (nonfiction)
- Susan Sarandon (nonfiction)
- Science fiction (nonfiction)
- Sex (nonfiction)
- Jim Sharman (nonfiction)
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show (nonfiction)
- Fiction (nonfiction)
- Films
- Emilies botched rhinoplasty
- 1971 (nonfiction)
- Jack Albertson (nonfiction)
- Leslie Bricusse (nonfiction)
- Julie Dawn Cole (nonfiction)
- Roald Dahl (nonfiction)
- Dodo Denney (nonfiction)
- Roy Kinnear (nonfiction)
- Anthony Newley (nonfiction)
- Denise Nickerson (nonfiction)
- Oompa-Loompas (nonfiction)
- Peter Ostrum (nonfiction)
- Leonard Stone (nonfiction)
- Mel Stuart (nonfiction)
- Paris Themmen (nonfiction)
- Gene Wilder (nonfiction)
- Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (nonfiction)