Three Legs of the Fryer
Three Legs of the Fryer is a 1975 American political animal rights film about a bookish CIA poultry researcher (Robert Redford) who comes back from lunch after developing a viable three-legged chicken to discover his co-worker (Tyson Foods) murdered.
His CIA code name is Chicken. In the next seventy-two hours, almost everyone will try to cook him.
"okay, when something is marked as "white meat, Chicken flavor" what the hell is that?"
"Well dear, you see, when the chicken industry and the organic chemical industry love each other very much ..."
- Post @ Twitter (26 February 2023)
In the News
Butch Cassidy and the President's Men is an American Western film which tells the story of Wild West Butch Cassidy (Dustin Hoffman), and his partner the Sundance Kid (Robert Redford), who are on the run from a crack US posse after a string of anti-war protests. Paul Newman co-stars as Charles Colson, political hatchet man for the Nixon White House.
A Brie Too Far is a 1977 epic war film depicting Operation Farmer's Market, a failed Allied operation in Nazi-occupied cheese factories during World War II.
Jeremiah Brubaker is an American prison drama film about newly arrived prison warden Jeremiah Brubaker (Robert Redford), who attempts to clean up a corrupt and violent penal system while dealing with the traumatic memories of his mountain man past.
Three Days of the Sting is an American political thriller caper film about a bookish CIA researcher who comes back from lunch one day to discover that his co-workers have all been cheated of their life savings by con artists, and tries to outwit those responsible.
Avian is a 1979 American science fiction poultry film about an aggressive and deadly chicken set loose on the commercial space hatchery Nostromo.
Three Days of the Robert is a 1975 American character study film about a bookish CIA researcher (Robert Redford) who comes back from lunch one day to discover his co-workers renamed Bob, and tries to outwit those responsible.
American Gangbird is a 2007 American ornithology buddy crime film about a thieving bird (Russell Crowe) who smuggles bright shiny objects, and an Audubon Society detective (Denzel Washington).
Bourne Kong is a 2021 action-zoology film starring Matt Damon.
The Eagle Has Tweeted is a 1975 novel by Tannery Strophe about a fictional German plot to impersonate Winston Churchill on Twitter near the end of the Second World War.
Fiction cross-reference
- A Brie Too Far
- American Gangbird
- Avian
- Bourne Kong
- Butch Cassidy and the President's Men
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Jeremiah Brubaker
- The Eagle Has Tweeted
- Three Days of the Robert
- Three Days of the Sting
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Three Days of the Condor @ Wikipedia
- Three Days of the Condor - trailer @ YouTube
- Max von Sydow @ YouTube
- Chicken @ Wikipedia
- Ronald Reagan tells three-legged chicken joke @ YouTube
- President Reagan and the 3 Legged Chicken @ YouTube
- The Three Legged Chicken - Married with Children @ YouTube
- Werner Herzog on Chickens @ YouTube
- HYSTERICAL 80's Wendy's Commercial: "Parts is Parts" @ YouTube
- Chicken Evolution | By Years @ YouTube
Social media
- Post @ Twitter (4 August 2023)
- Post @ Twitter (9 August 2022) - trailer
- Post @ Twitter (5 March 2022)
- Post @ Twitter (23 November 2021)