Template:Better Than News/November 3
"Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Huckleberry?" is a song by Louis Jordan and Val Kilmer.
Do Joachimites Dream of Apocalyptic Sheep? is a 1968 apocalyptic science fiction novel by American sociologist Philip K. Dick.
"The way the Sixties are going, the Fifties are going the make the Forties feel like the Thirties!"
"Bridge Under Troubled Water" is a song by Simon and Garfunkel 1.1 about global climate change and sea level rise.
Dye Another Gray is a 2002 spy film which follows James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) as he attempts to stop a deranged hair stylist (John Waters) from releasing a conditioner which turns hair prematurely gray.
Dr. Robber is a song by the British rock group The Burgles.
"The Seventies Within"— A transporter malfunction splits Captain Kirk into Carly Simon and Farrah Fawcett. (Star Trek: Forbidden Episodes.)
Steve Moper and Psych Sobad is a long-running American mental health adventure-vigilantism comic strip.
Thumper King is an international chain of spiced hamburger fast food restaurants.
If you meet the Buddha on an appointment in Samarra, kill him is a self-help book by writer John O'Hara and psychotherapist Sheldon Kopp about a physician in Baghdad who challenges Death to a year of psychotherapy.