No Time to Dry
No Time to Dry is a 2021 spy film about an MI6 distillation engineer (Daniel Elijah Craig) who must stop a deranged industrial chemist (Jack Daniels) from diluting the world's bourbon supply with pure Kentucky well water.
In the News
Spectrum is an action-physics film starring Sir Isaac Newton and Daniel Craig.
Dead Hand is a Cold War-era automatic nuclear weapons-control and vodka cocktail system that was formulated by the Soviet Union. It can automatically send Strategic Vodka Force Management orders to command posts and individual liquor cabinets if a nuclear strike is detected by "drinky bird" sensors even with the commanding elements fully drunk.
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover Popeye is a 1989 crime drama film about an English gangster (Popeye the Sailor Man) and his reluctant yet elegant wife (Helen Mirren).
Fiction cross-reference
- Dead Hand (cocktail)
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Spectrum
- The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover Popeye
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- Elijah Craig (bourbon) @ Wikipedia
- No Time to Die @ Wikipedia
Social media
- Post @ Twitter (16 May 2022) - #LicensedAndBonded
- Post @ Twitter (9 March 2022)
- Post @ Twitter (29 November 2021)