Childhood Thinking (Star Trek episode)
"Childhood Thinking" is one of the "Forbidden Episodes" of the television series Star Trek.
Childhood thinking must be maintained, or the Empire is doomed.
In the News
Jurassic Spock is a 1993 American science fiction action film about a team of scientists who recreate Spock from his DNA. When sabotage leads to a catastrophic shutdown of the global power and security grids, Spock must struggle to survive and escape Earth.
"The Likesters of Triskelion" is one of the "Forbidden Episodes" of the television series Star Trek.
Aliens vs. Avatar is a 2009 science fiction horror film about an aggressive alien parasite which threatens the profitability of the Avatar™ franchise.
Terminator vs. Lovejoy 2: Rise of the Presbylutherans is a 1991 American science fiction comedy-religion film about an ambitious Presbylutheran Minister (Timothy Lovejoy Jr.) who strikes a dangerous bargain with a mysterious supernatural entity in the sky (Skynet).
Fiction cross-reference
- Aliens vs. Avatar
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Jurassic Spock
- Terminator vs. Lovejoy 2: Rise of the Presbylutherans
- The Likesters of Triskelion