Template:Better Than News/February 6
The Lord of the Danes is an epic Shakespearean play about a prince of Gondor (Hamlet) whose attempts to exorcise the ghost of his father lead to madness, betrayal, and murder.
"The way the Sixties are going, the Fifties are going the make the Forties feel like the Thirties!"
Calaladan is a 2021 musical romantic comedy science fiction drama film about an aspiring actress (Emma Stone) and a jazz pianist (Ryan Gosling) who befriend a young aristocrat (Paul Atreides).
Secret Widow is a 2004 American psychological horror thriller sex education and family planning film starring Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.
Defenestration of the Realm is 1986 documentary home repair thriller film about a journalist (Gabriel Byrne) who discovers a shocking pattern of people being thrown out windows to their deaths.