Ghost Dance USA
"Ghost Dance USA" is a short essay by Karl Jones.
Ghost Dance USA
People in societies under intolerable pressure experience prophecy and superstition.
Symptoms are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression — the first four stages of the five-stage Kübler-Ross model.
Everything but the acceptance.
Stockholm Syndrome
Stockholm Syndrome turns to Ghost Dance when Death robs the bank.
So-called White people whose numbers are in decline and feel any emotion about that fact, I am thinking of you.
Doubling Down on Trump
It does seem that a great snake's nest of evil is out and open in the public like never before.
Crazy gun-toting Americans, sure.
But these crazies in office? and it's okay, the GOP is doubling down on Trump?
This is pathology.
In the News
The Matt Gaetz Uncancelled Tour is an ongoing political street theater event conducted by US Representative Matt Gaetz.
Fiction cross-reference
Nonfiction cross-reference
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