War Diaries (April 5) (nonfiction)

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War Diary quotations for April 5

Previous: April 4 - Next: April 6


Creed T. Davis: April 4, 1865

Diary of Creed T. Davis, Private Second Company Richmond Howitzers.

Have marched but a short distance to-day. Our artillery battalion has been converted into an infantry regiment, and our men are now armed with muskets. The men, as they leave Richmond, believe that the cause is gone, and desert in great numbers. At least fifteen men have left our company alone. (Who?) We are drawing no rations. This morning we had corn on the husk issued to us, each man getting about one ear. We were drawn up in line of battle this evening, and had slight skirmishing.

Tatsusei Yogi: April 5, 1945

Tatsusei Yogi was a Japanese civilian.

We reached Tanabaru at dawn. The bombing was so severe that we stayed in the village of Kochi all day. Grandfather and Emiko were not with us. Takenobu cried and did not eat. At night we arrived at Shuri, where the houses were still burning. Shoro-san let us stay at their place which had a cave and a good source of drinking water.

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