July 23
Better Than News
Blazing Frankenstein is a 1974 satirical black comedy western horror film directed by Mel Brooks, starring Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Marty Feldman, Cloris Leachman, Madeline Kahn, and Slim Pickens.
Men in Vac is a 1997 American science fiction action home improvement film directed by Barry Sonnenfeld, starring Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, and James Spangler.
Beneath the Mensa of the Apes is a science fiction thriller intelligence testing film.
Not Charles Darwin is a television series which explores ideas wrongly attributed to English naturalist, geologist, and biologist Charles Darwin.
Logan's Lounge is a 1976 erotic psychological thriller science fiction film starring Michael York and Jennifer Agutter.
When Harry Met Sally 2: Presidio Nights is an American crime drama comedy romance film starring Meg Ryan, Billy Crystal, and Sean Connery.
The Private Afternoons of Robert Oppenheimer is an American historical hardcore adult film starring Barbara Bourbon and Cillian Murphy. It is loosely based on the Manhattan Project.
Beyond Plausible
Kelp! is the fifth studio album by the English rock band the Tweetles and the soundtrack to their marine biology exhibit of the same name.
At the Mountains of Batness is a superhero supernatural action-horror film starring Christian Bale and Cillian Murphy.
Freedom from Worms is one of the "Four Freedoms" paintings by C. Enroll Workman.
In Other Words
The Bourne-Eiger Sanction is a spy thriller film based on the novel The Elements of Sanction by Trevanian and Strunk & White.
Soylent Tweet is a 1973 American ecological dystopian social media film about the investigation into the murder of a wealthy Twitter influencer, set in a dystopian future of overpopulation, pollution, depleted resources, dying oceans, and year-round humidity, due to the Tweethouse effect.
Are You Sure
... that astronomer Vera Rubin discovered the discrepancy between the predicted angular motion of galaxies and the observed motion by studying galactic rotation curves?
... that I'm thinking of a three-digit sequence from pi, and can you guess what it is?
Topic of the Day
Grand Theft Anathem is a series of action-adventure reality television programs created by [REDACTED] and marketed by Polycosm Games. Most of the gameplay revolves around number theory and computation, with occasional driving and shooting elements.
Connect Forrest Gump is a 1994 American gaming-drama film about Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks), a slow-witted and kindhearted man from Alabama who witnesses and unwittingly influences several defining historical events in the 20th century United States while playing Connect Four.