The Shitting
The Shitting is a 1980 psychological horror film about an alcoholic writer (Jack Nicholson) whose sanity deteriorates due to the influence of the supernatural forces that inhabit his bowels.
In the News
Children of the Baby Corn is a 1984 American agricultural horror film about "He Who Cans the Tiny Cobs", a malevolent entity which entices a small town's children to ritually murder all the adults.
Faster Than the Beast of Night is a 1981 American music horror film about a city cop (Bonnie Tyler) who has been assigned to uncover what is behind a series of vicious pop music hits. Originally, it is believed the songs are animal noises, until the cop discovers an ancient Indian legend about wolf musicians.
The Bedpan Zone is a 1983 medical comedy film about Johnny Micturator (Christopher Walken), a professor of urinology at a prestigious medical teaching hospital who awakens from a coma to find that his body wastes foretell the future.
Fiction cross-reference
- Children of the Baby Corn
- Faster Than the Beast of Night
- Gnomon algorithm
- Gnomon Chronicles
- Like a Spaceman
- The Bedpan Zone
Nonfiction cross-reference
External links
- The Shining (film) @ Wikipedia
- The Shining - trailer @ YouTube
- Hallorann explains what the Shine is @ YouTube
- The Shining bar scene @ YouTube
- You've always been the caretaker @ YouTube
- Danny talks to Tony @ YouTube
- Baseball bat @ YouTube
- Go check it out! @ YouTube
- Red Rum @ YouTube
- Here's Johnny @ YouTube
- Escape from the Overlook @ YouTube
- The Beauty of The Shining @ YouTube
Social media
- 1980s (nonfiction)
- 1980 (nonfiction)
- Wendy Carlos (nonfiction)
- Scatman Crothers (nonfiction)
- Shelley Duvall (nonfiction)
- Rachel Elkind (nonfiction)
- Films (nonfiction)
- Horror (nonfiction)
- Diane Johnson (nonfiction)
- Stephen King (nonfiction)
- Danny Lloyd (nonfiction)
- Jack Nicholson (nonfiction)
- The Shining (film) (nonfiction)
- Joe Turkel (nonfiction)
- Violence (nonfiction)
- Fiction (nonfiction)
- Shit (nonfiction)
- Films